Seek Me For I Bear the Sign of Jesus

 Child of mine, come to me at this Tabernacle. You are in need of your mother. Come and be filled and know my love for you that emanates from my heart. I fill you with my heart that nurtures you in the ways of mother and child. I nurture you for you are my child as destined by God.

Destiny is that which you were designed to do.  Destiny becomes God's will for you when you say yes with your heart and soul for the yes of the heart and soul opens the core of your being where you and God are reunited.

To be reunited with God is to be naked of heart and soul where your soul sees, once again, the truths of the Kingdom. Your destiny counters the noise for when you open to your destiny you open yourself to the truth of who you are and why you were created.

I am pleased that you come here each day and seek out your destiny. I am pleased that you come to me each day to be nurtured in the ways of God's will for you. Joy and peace and faith and trust are the fruits of your attendance to this Tabernacle. 

Yes, my child there shall be those days where you must trust in spite of the noise that clangs at you for this is the true test of your commitment to this Tabernacle. Even those of the noise find peace when peace is easy and when peace flows on the surface rather than in its depths. The true test of destiny is to attend to your heart and soul when it is difficult and when the noise attacks you with its nonsense. The noise cultivates more noise while commitment to this Tabernacle cultivates the true peace that is within the depths of the River of the I Am.

Take note of how the noise has left you in this inch and moment for it cannot bear the peace of my heart. Know that when the noise is loudest and more fretful that this is the time I am closest. Reach out to me though the noise and I shall counter it with my heart that bears the sign of Jesus.