Taste Circumvents the Mind

 Child, come and taste the love of the River of the I Am. The peace that flows here flows through your senses where the mind is stilled.  The noise cannot enter here. You hear me with the ear of the heart, Janine. You taste me with the taste that uses not the mind for taste knows not anything other than the truth. Can you taste the meat as bread?  Can you taste the meat as bread? Can your ego mind tell you what to taste? 

The lesson this day is to ponder the ways of taste for taste circumvents the mind. The mind cannot be counted on to tell you the truth when the noise and ego mind continue to ask you to believe what is not of the truth of God.

To taste within the mystical of the River of the I Am is to take in the truth of the ways of our Father and Creator.  To taste me is to know that you taste rather than use the mind for you taste me and you taste Jesus and you taste the Holy Spirit of the RIver of the I Am. 

To taste and to hear with the ear of the heart you must let go of the noise that holds the ego mind. To know with the knowing of the River of the I Am is to sit, be still and wait upon the River of the I Am to show you the way into its depths where taste abides.