The Mystical and Holy Spirit of Jesus

 Child of mine, I give you my heart and I am here in the ways of the River of the I Am. My heart awaits your attendance that I may fill you for I am your mother who awaits the call of her child that mother may fill and nurture and hold and build trust. In  my nurture trust is built for I nurture when you call on me.

Janine, my child, trust was never built upon nurture for you.  It has taken these many years for  you to trust that I will not abandon you. On this new day I review with you and give you a clear view of the feedings of your heart and soul where you learned to trust that I will never abandon you. 

Now, my child, your trust has been given to Jesus for your relationship with Him has grown you where you trust that He will never abandon you as well. Your nightly reviews with Jesus and the daily attention to His soft voice have grown you greatly in trust.

By this day, trust has entered your deepest parts. Let us walk in the solitude of heart that encounters Jesus and hears Him through the noise.  You move closer to relationship with Jesus who shows you the way in each inch and moment. Stay awake to His soft voice that loves you and deepens your relationship with Him. He is with you through His mystical and Holy Spirit. Jesus as I await your call that you may be fed and in turn that you may feed.