The Notes to the Song of Songs

 Good morning, my child. Breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Let us move into the depths of the River where prayers and love abides. As we move deeper, hear the Song of Songs that sing out in prayer that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Janine, my child, let us become one with the Song of Songs sung by all of the River of the I Am.  Let us be a part of the gathered here within the depths that sing in prayer for all that are in need of knowing their God and for the gratitude that the River flows towards the New Earth. 

God loves with a love that transcends all noise, pain and suffering. God loves with a love that wishes to be in relationship with each child that He has Created.

God loves with a love that gave us His only Son that we all may be a part of Eternity.

To sing in prayer with others of the River gains more and more grace for all in need of God's graces. Come, and be with  me in this depth where we join in the prayers of the Song of Songs.  Listen and hear the beauty of those who gather here to sing and join in asking that God's will be one on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

Listen carefully to the sound of the notes of the Song of Songs that ring within your soul. No words need be said for the notes say it all.  Join with your notes and take in the relationship with all of the River of the I Am. Take in the beauty of the Song of Songs. Take in the prayers within the notes for they sing to God of God.

The note that you sing within the Song of Songs is of great value for it is of you.  You matter greatly, Janine. You add greatly to the Song of Songs as does each child. Ponder this lesson.