Walk this Day in the Solitude of your Heart and Soul

 Janine, come and place yourself in my care.  Your attendance to this Tabernacle graces us for you become untangled by the noise. This time is of you and me in the presence of our Father and God. Come and take note of the ways of the dissipation and disappearance of the noise. The noise cannot be within these depths for this is holy ground.

Take in the smile and joy that emanates from your belly. Take in the peace that flows through your heart and soul. Take in the trust that exudes from your countenance.  I give you view of the promises of the Resurrection. I give you the taste of love that flows through your senses for all senses are expanded within the River of the I Am.  Take in what your body can take in.

In the day you leave this body for your heavenly one you shall see and taste all the more. This is the promise of the Resurrection, my child. Eternity shall be yours for you have declared yourself as mine and thus of the River of the I Am. On this new day be of solitude within your heart and soul. Take in all that is before you. In solitude you see and taste all the more for in solitude of heart and soul you shall see from the view outside of yourself. 

Walk with me in this new day and be of solitude of heart and soul.  At the end of this day when you review the day with Jesus you shall take in the parts where your solitude of heart listened rather than spoke. Your solitude shall teach you much this day for you shall speak less and hear more of the soft voice of Jesus that rises up from your deepest parts. In solitude the noise has no home.