Wounds are the Fodder for Wounding

 Child I welcome you into this Tabernacle on this new day in this new  year of your outside world.  Come and know the newness of this day for it is a day you are graced to taste. Life is always a gift even when you see not the good and rather, see all the bad.

Today is a new day to be of the River of the I Am where hope springs from. This is a new day to love and allow yourself to be loved. 

There were days when you could not let love in. There were days when you could not taste. There were days when you could not see goodness. There were days when you were convinced that you could not know Jesus or find peace or gain Eternity.

I take you into the world to attest to the goodness of our Father and Creator.  I take you into the world to attest that no matter the disease of the outside world nor the depth to which the heart and soul may be  closed, God can intervene and heal all wounds. 

Your wounds have been healed that you may attest to the goodness of the Light within the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, even those souls that have done you great harm are here within the River for the I Am for their wounds bore you your wounds. Wounds are the fodder for wounding.

You have been released from the bonds of your ancestors that have harmed you. Your healing has released your ancestors from their bonds and so it goes as one generation heals it heals past and future generations.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.