All Becomes Prayer When You Are of the Sacred Witness

 Child, awaken. Come and be awakened on this new day. Come and be held and known for you are my child. Come and taste the freedom to just be.  Come and let go of all for we move into the depths of the River of the I Am in the sacredness of mother and child before God.

The choice to attend here is yours. Do not let what we have lose its sacredness.  Become still and know the love that fills you in all parts and corners of your entire being. 

The lesson this day is to witness to all before you. I ask you to witness to all of the good and all the evil but make no judgments. Allow the witness part of you make note of all that you see. Allow God to take our witnessing and accept it as a prayer.

To witness in the ways of the sacred witness is to walk knowing that your witnessing is a prayer to God. When you judge you invoke the ego mind which leaves out God. When you witness only you invoke God's love and power to make change.

Your yesterday saw you struggle with this for you knew you were being asked to judge knowing your heart was asking God to do His will. My child, this is the secret to invoking God's will. Make no judgments for all becomes prayer when you witness without judgments.