All is Sacred

 Child, how graced you are to be of the naked soul that sees beyond the noise and the ego mind that works to trap my children. How graced you are to see the shapings within yourself that continue to make noise. You come to me in spite of the noise and call upon me. I am here, my child, and I come to build you. We commune and make the foundation that shall carry us forever.

Take the breath that lets go of the one world and enters the mystical waters of the River of the I Am. I breathe with you and for you at these depths within the River of the I Am.

Take note of the outside world from a distance. Take note of the outside world from the view of the River of the I Am. Take note of what we have.

Take note that the outside world from this distance shows you the view that God sees. All is sacred in both worlds. The many see not the sacredness of their inches and moments. It is within the inches and moments that God's miracles are seen.

Let us walk this new day within each inch and moment. Stay awake to God's miracles. Stay awake to the beauty of all of God's Creation. All is sacred for God has deemed it so. Live in the sacredness of God's creations as we walk within the outside world.