Awaken to the Mysteries of God

 Good morning, my child. Let the day begin with our communion. Allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be awakened to me on this new day.

The lesson this day is to be aware and awakened to the ways of the mysteries of God. God does not punish even though there is evil. God does not abandon any child no matter the yes or no. God does not take away from you.  God longs to add to you and to shower you with graces.

God does not intrude into your being for to do that is to control and take away choice.  God seeks to teach of the sacred witness that gives herself/himself up that another may be heard. To die to yourself is to give life to yourself. To die for another is to give life to yourself. I say to you that to listen to another with no regard to yourself is to die to yourself that another may live.

Evil shall be overcome with love. Evil shall continue as long as man wages war. You see much war, my child , and you ask of what to do. To end war you must die to your own hatred. To end war you must die to your own want to be above God. When you tell God what is right or wrong you place yourself above God.

To end war pray that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. To end war you must pray that God ends the war inside of you. Let those with ears to hear, hear.