Come and Bear Witness to God’s Miracles

 Child, I am your mother who awaits your call that I may feed you.  I await your call for I am your heavenly mother who is here for you in the instant that you call on me.

I come to feed you.  I come to let you know how much you are loved. I come to show you that you are of God who has handcrafted you. I have come that your soul may be opened where you and the Light of my womb commune. I come to fill you that you may in turn fill. The Holy Spirit works through us for you are of the earth where my children see me through you. 

Janine, my child, you walk with me in the ways of your design.  You are designed to bear witness with me. You are designed to give what you receive.  You are designed to hear with the ears of your heart where others are heard and understood. 

You are designed to love. You are designed to bear witness to God’s love without judgments or boundaries. You are my faithful child who comes to me each day and you place yourself before me in a nakedness and emptiness that allows me to fill.

You walk with me in gratitude that you are living your design.  As we bear witness to each child placed before us, you bear witness to God’s miracles. Let us walk today into the world with the embrace of God’s love. Come and Bear Witness to God’s Miracles.