The Sanctuary of This Tabernacle

 Child, come and rest. Come and know I am with you with no matter the time or day. This day finds you in need of your heavenly mother. Come, rest and allow me to fill you. Come and rest and allow the River to take us into its effortless flow where we commune with no boundaries to bind. 

Janine, take in the way of the noise that moves away from us for the noise cannot withstand what we have. The noise waits for us to walk into the world where it attempts to take away what we have. Come to me all the more when the noise causes you fear. Come to me at this Tabernacle and allow me to hold you where  the noise must flee.  Even when the noise is great it cannot attend to you when you are here within this Tabernacle.

Let peace guide your way. When the noise carries fear into you come to me all the sooner at this Tabernacle and I shall take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where I shall shower you with the peace that is of my Son.

Janine, I cannot promise you the end of the noise, but I can promise you the sanctuary of this Tabernacle where peace fills you and prepares you to re-enter the world armed with the peace of my Son.

Peace is the signpost that you are of your opened heart and of your design. The lack of peace is the sign that you need your mother. Find that place and space where you call to me and there I Am. Now take heart and rest a while for I fill you that you may fill others. You need not lose your peace for when it is threatened, call upon me.