The Soul Was Meant to Be Naked

 My child, this day is rising as you come to me to be filled. Janine, my child, I ask only that you come to me to be filled for I fill you that you may in turn carry the peace of this filling into your day.  The peace that is of your countenance tells the world that you carry the peace of my Son deep within your loins.

Do not compare yourself with that of another for this is the sign of the noise that asks you to be of  someone else. This is a sin against God for it is God who made you. Do not let another attempt to make you into something that is not of your design. 

You shall walk with me into the world today in a vigilance that denounces the signs of the noise that asks my children to deny their design.

Your design is within your soul. Your design carries God's graces for when you unlock your design you open the relationship to God that has always been there but buried. Adam and Eve clothed themselves for they feared being naked before God. 

To be of your design is to denounce the noise that says you must hide. The soul was meant to be naked and in communion with God and not hidden as the noise would have you believe.

Come and tell the world that you are of God, not by boasting, but by keeping our soul opened. All you need do is to keep your soul opened and God shall do His work through you.