The Ways of Grace

 Good morning, my child. How graced we are to be mother and child. By our yes we have gained much in the ways of grace.

Child. Grace is not earned, it is accepted. The many complicate what is simple. How can the most loving Creator take away your choice to choose or not. Grace falls upon you when you accept grace.  When you choose no, God accepts and passes you by. But know this, God always waits upon your opening up to Him.

The true choice is what is buried for the many are tortured by the noise that works to block grace and keep you in blindness. You must expose the noise of the misguidedness and empty its blindness.  God shall await the choice when it is clear and known. If true choice eludes you in this world it shall be exposed in the next.

Grace is that which is showered upon the world and is everywhere. The sadness in all of this is the blindness that shuts one off from opening up to and accepting grace.  

The doubting Thomas must see to believe. I say to you that to believe you must only ask for God to show Himself and grace shall flow forth.