We Are Graced to Feed My Children

 Child, come and do not run in fear that I will abandon. I am here and I never abandon. Come and be filled with my love and nurture that you may taste how much you are loved.

Janine, my child, we are designed to walk in the ways of mother and child. I am your mother and I give to you with no expectations or want of anything in return from you. It is the way of Jesus and God as well as the way of my mother's heart to seek only to give and not take away from.

I await your call each day for I am here to hold, strengthen and love you with no want or desire for anything in return.  Your attendance to me at this tabernacle is your yes.

I walk with you into the world today reaching out to my children through you that they may come to see my motherly ways through you.

As we walk, you too ask for nothing from those we walk with. You give to others as I give to you for this is the way of the River of the I Am. Your arms hear the need to be held where one of mine needs to be held by your heart. We pray as one that each child before us opens their heart to be held, heard and understood. By these markings to be heard, held and understood the heart opens.

As each new day rises you become the more of my heart that loves with no expectations other than to feed. When you are fed by my heart you taste my longing to feed.  I am mother to all and I long to feed each with the good news of my Son, the Lamb, who loves with no conditions. 

With no matter to the ways of each child we walk in the want and longing to feed. This longing never fades nor does it drain, but rather, it fills. Take note of the tireless and effortless ways of my heart that expands and grows with each child we are graced to feed. You grow more into my heart with each child we feed for to love one is to gather one more into the River of the I Am and the one more gathers the one more and so on. We are surely graced to feed my children.