We Walk Together with No matter Where You Are

Good morning, my child, come and be with me in the rising of this new day where we commune with our Father and Creator, our God. You have been designed to taste and know the great love that has created you.

 Janine, my child, it is not where you are but who you are where you are.  Do you not see that in this inch and moment you are with me and it is my heart that speaks to your heart? Our souls combine in this mystical union of mother and child. You are mine with no matter where you are. 

What is of matter is that you are opened to receiving me with no matter where you are. What is of matter is that you remain awake to me and to Jesus for we walk with you into the world with no matter where you are. 

Today, my child, we are one for my nurture graces you with the ways of my heart. Inch by inch and moment by moment you gain in the ways of my heart. On this new day be awakened to the beauty before you with no matter of where we are. 

Where we are shall show you the choices of who you wish to be. You are becoming more and more of my heart with each new day. You are becoming closer and closer to Jesus each day for it is He who shows us the way. Your yesterday showed you the way and today shall also point the way. In nakedness of your heart you see. In nakedness of  your heart you see Jesus pointing the way.