You Dreams Are of Endurance

 Child, come and be known. Come and be touched by my heart. Come and know love that shall never end. Come and trust what we have. Your dreams gave you a restless sleep. But know this, my child, they are for a grave reason.

Janine, my child, I call you by name for you are in need of hearing your name. For far too long you heard not your name nor did you hear or taste of love.  Touch was not yours.  You cried out in the night when your soul begged for love and touch.

Your dreams are of that pain and aloneness.  Your dreams are of that little child who had no guidance, but rather had lies poured into her. These dreams of your restless night have given you view of the lost child who, rather than being shown the way, was taken into more and more darkness. 

Do not fret the dreams. Rather, let us give thanks to God for them. They are the dreams of the letting go of the little one called Faith who was lost to you for so long.  Let the dreams cleanse what needs to be cleansed. Trust that these dreams come to cleanse what must be cleansed. They are not the dreams of the adult. They are the dreams of what Faith had to endure.