
 Child, come and taste the freedom to let go of all and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where the peace and beauty of God's Garden abides. Come and take in the beauty that is before you. Come and take in the ways of my heart that counters all of the noise that becomes heavy within the outside world.

The beginning of your day gives you the filling of my heart and my nurture that teaches you how much you are loved. As your hands write my words, know that I am your mother who loves you and carries you in all things even when you are deep within the noise that seeks to have you believe my love cannot sustain you. Trust not the noise. Trust what you are seeing from the depths of your own soul. 

Janine, take a look into your own soul as I give you view of the workings of your soul. Your soul is clean and pure as God has intended for no one or thing can take that away. To truly believe that you are pure at your very core is to come to know God as God truly is. The soul houses its God.

Take in the taste of your own soul that sees more clearly than the brightest day of sunlight. Your soul need not hide itself any longer for you now know no one can damage it. As a little child you could not know this for there were those things and people that caused you great fear where your soul needed to be hidden and protected.

Today, there are those who say you are old. I say to you that you are ageless and walk with agelessness for your soul is opened and moving towards the New Earth. Let the word old fall away as I show you the agelessness of your own soul. The world suffers much from the thought of the loss of the body. I say to you your body shall never truly die. It merely changes form. 

Pay no heed to those who see only the old and judge the old as something to be hated.  Let us walk this day and take in all that is ageless. Agelessness is facing the day knowing you shall never truly die for your body merely moves from the boundaries of the Earth into the realm of the mystical where time and age have no meaning.