God's Plan For Us

 Child, take the breath of letting go that you may let go of yourself. Take in the breath of my heart that joins us in communion. Let us flow as one into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Take in the expanded senses deep within you as we move deeper into the depths of God's plan for us.

God's plan for us is to walk into the world hand in hand and soul to soul in the presence of Jesus. We walk in the circle of the one God who encompasses all. God's plan for us is to walk into the world with no expectations, desires, wants or judgments as to any outcomes for God's plan works in the inch and moment and does not seek the next until this one is lived. You cannot say you know the outcome of the next inch and moment until this one has been lived. You must walk through this one to see the choices of the next one.  

God's plan for us is to trust that each step we take we have choices.  Each step determines the choices for the next inch and moment. Each step we take we live in the moment and wait upon God to show the way and choices of the next.  God's plan for us is to be opened to our very soul where God is present and always in relationship with us.

When we are in relationship with God where our very core is exposed there is no need for rules or laws of the land. Love abounds in the nakedness of our souls for God is within the deepest part of us, our soul, where God's law of love is tasted.

God's plan for us is to be known, naked, and free to be. To choose is God's greatest gift for to choose Him is to choose love. To choose Him not is to use God's greatest gift as well for He does not control or demand anything from His children other than the clear choice sans the ego to choose or not choose Him.

Ponder these words for they show how much God's love is beyond those of man.