Jesus Died for All With No Distinctions

 Child, your heart knows me. Your heart hears me and your heart learns of the Scriptures through our walk with Jesus. Come and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where the Scriptures come alive.

Jesus walked the Earth and I was witness to His great love of all things of God. He knew of the ego minds of those who used their power to subvert this love. Those of the tainted ego minds would try to trick Him with their questions and statements of their man made rules.

And yet, Janine, the soft voice of Jesus told you of His love for all things including those of the evil ego mind.  Your worldly ways could not take in such a love. Jesus asked if you would die for the evil in such men and you gave a yes but it was not a yes of understanding.  

When Jesus gave you view of His yes to die for the evil and well as the good you understood. Jesus made no distinctions of a man's worldly ways for His love for all makes no distinctions. It is man who does so. 

Let this lesson take root within you for it is of your design to learn to love as Jesus loves. When you are tempted to judge another, remember you are also judging the soul of the other as well.  The soul belongs to God. Those of evil may choose Him or not choose Him in the end.  That choice is between God and His Creation, not yours.