Man Made Boundaries are Not God's Boundaries

 Child, you come to me with no matter the ways of the noise. You come to me to be filled. Come and enjoy this inch and moment with no matter the call of the outside world.

I take away the boundaries of the manmade world that we may commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. I am your mother who loves you with no boundaries to separate.

The boundaries of the world say that you and things must be this or that. The boundaries of the world say the world moves because of boundaries. The world says boundaries keep you from me for you are of body and I am of mystical.

I place myself deep within your heart where there are no boundaries to separate us whether mystical or human body. You hear me through your body within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

I take away the noise that says we must have boundaries. I take away the boundaries that keep you only in the body and not the mystial.

Janine, on this new day, take in the ways of the human and mystical. Take in the depths of our communion. Sense the lack of boundaries between us for this is the way of God's design for us. 

The world moves with man made boundaries and sees not the lack of boundaries made by God. What the world sees is but a tiny spec in the ways of God who has meant us to walk in both the mystical and human. God places no boundaries as man does.

What is not accomplished in this world will be accomplished in the next. Ler those with ears to hear, hear.