The Move into the New Earth

 Child, come. Come and allow our hearts and souls to combine for I am your mother who comes to hold you, nurture you and attend to your soul. Come and let us move deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the mystical Living Waters of our God.

Today, Janine, is the day of the stars.  Take in the view of the stars above you. Take in the ways the Light of the River takes in the stars. No longer can you say the stars have no meaning. The stars are the gateway to the understanding of the New Earth. As the stars move in the galaxy, so too we move towards the New Earth.

You cannot see the movement of the stars but you know their movement by the seasons. You cannot see the movement towards the New Earth but when you look beyond the stars you see the movement. 

Open your eyes to see what I see. See beyond the eyes of the Earth. See what is beyond the horizons. See God's Movement towards the New Earth in everything you do.

Your yesterday gave you view of the New Earth.  Your soul expanded beyond the borders of this Earth and reached out to God where the Earth shook and its boundaries collapsed.  No need for war. No need to end life. Just a need to witness as we move towards the New Earth.

The progression into the New Earth moves forward with no matter the ways of man for God's Covenant is beyond the doings of man. Jesus came to save man from himself regardless of the ways of inflicted pain upon others.  

Good shall overcome evil in spite of evil. This world may end but God's world shall never end. Take heart in knowing we are moving towards the New Earth in spite of war. But know this, to be of the peace of my Son in the outside world is to know that you shall live forever in God's garden within the New Earth.