The Path to Jesus is Within Your Own Being

 Child, come and be with me and allow yourself to be in deep prayer with me. As we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am, let us be of prayer that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. As we descend deeper this day than your yesterday, know that you expand all the more and more for your soul absorbs the layers of the River of the I Am.

God, our Father, has given us much grace. God, our Creator has given us much life that we may be with Him and know Him within the depths of our own being where our souls abide.

Janine, my child, what you taste this new day is of the awareness that the soft voice deep within you is of  your relationship with Jesus, the Son of Man, for God has willed it so.

All have the path to Jesus deep within their beings.  All have the path to Jesus by way of the journey into their own soul. The path is simple but fearful for many. The path is feared for it requires a yes to something bigger and beyond the ego mind.  

The path to the truth that lies within the River of the I Am becomes a journey into the heart and soul when the ego mind is exposed. When exposed, the ego mind loses its power over the whole and allows God to become known deep within one's soul. When the ego mind is exposed it exposes the heart and soul where wholeness abides.

Ponder this lesson as we hold each other and pray that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. In Heaven, the ego mind knows the truth and cannot own the whole any longer.