The Way of Your Eyes

 Child, you are here and you place yourself before me that I may take you into my heart. By this Tabernacle you are freed from the noise. By this Tabernacle we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we flow within the Mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

You have learned to let go of yourself that I may fill you. You are opened within your soul that you may hear and taste me.  I am your mother who nurtures you and feeds you with the ways of the River of the I Am for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am.

Your dream showed  you the way of your eyes. You searched within the noise to see and to find what cannot be found within the outside world. The love that is deep within you has no longer the eyes of the outside world. The view from the outside world has decayed. Your earthly eyes are gone, Janine. 

The other in your dream that decayed represents the need to lose the eyes of the world. Love demands that you allow the misguidedness to decay.  The new love of the River of the I Am demands that you lose the sight from the outside world and gain the inner eye that is deep within you.  The other represents your misguided love that needed to decay that the new eyes may take over. The dream has come to show you that to see within the River of the I Am is to let go of your misguided  eyes of the outside world.