We Must Bear Witness to This Evil

 Child, I come to you to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am that we may commune. Come and know I am your mother who feeds you and attends to all of your needs.

I tell you of your dream last night that you may be awakened to the ways of the witness. Janine, you walked the earth in the darkness for all was dark. The darkness is of the earth that kills and destroys my children. You walked over the bones of those killed by the evil in the world. You walked in the darkness of one man who cared not for anything or anyone other than himself. The ego mind becomes evil when it is closed off in such ways. 

You could do nothing. Yet you witnessed to it. You could not change it and yet you witnessed to it. This is what is being asked of you within your day. Part of your design is to witness to those that kill. The dark and burnt ground was of the deaths of my children. The burnt ground must be witnessed to for it is the evil within the world that kills. You did not judge it. You witnessed it and you walked in it that you may see the truth of evil. You did not judge it for judgment is not yours. But, my child, as horrific as it was, you walked in it and you witnessed it for the day shall come when you shall witness this before God. You are living it and you are witnessing it. God will take care of the rest.

Let us pray for those of this evil that God may touch them within their own soul. My child, as witness we  pray for all who have been broken, shattered and killed by war and evil.  We must bear witness to his evil.