You must Filter Out the Noise to Know Jesus

 Child, be at peace. Come and be of the peace that is of my heart. Be of the peace of my Son who left you with the promise of His peace. Come and take in my nurture and truths of the River of the I Am. Come, and as we descend into the depths of the River take in the wisdom that flows forth from these depths.

Jesus walked the Earth and showed us the truth and the way. My words take you into the meanings of God's truths that many cannot see for their view is only from the worldly. I give you view and taste from the River of the I Am where the mystical ways and the depths of my words are absorbed.

There are the meanings of my words that some will not understand for they cannot see through the noise. There are those who see and hear from these depths where the noise cannot enter for they are of the yes to God and seek relationship with Him that surpasses all noise.  You must filter out the noise to truly know Jesus for the noise clangs with the noise of the pharisees. To view and taste my words is to see them from the view of your heart and soul where the knowing resides.

Janine, my child, Jesus walked the Earth and spoke to those who heard His words but did not hear His words for He spoke to them in parables. The many of his time did not understand. The many of today may still not understand for they seek not the great pearl that is deep within them. 

Let us walk this day in prayer that those who are placed before us may open their hearts to themselves and therefore to others. To see oneself from the view of your own soul opens the door to loving others in the same way. Love loves and love spreads love.