Your Dreams Work to Make You whole

 Today, my child, you come to me and ask only that I commune with you.  The noise is loud and your fret is understood for the noise attempts to draw you from me.  The noise is loudest upon your awakening for the noise knows your weakest point. The noise asks you to take on the responsibility for what was not yours to take. Come and be held and filled and I shall tell of your dream that caused you pain upon your awakening. 

The dream brought you to a new place of inner dwelling. The space was still occupied for it is not wholly your as yet. The woman in your dream was still a part owner of the new dwelling.  Your words to her told her it was only temporary and that she must leave in due time.

There was a child who came into the dwelling to take her gatherings and you asked if she were taking the kitten and 2 cats. Her answer was yes but you knew the kitten was dead and wanted to hide her from the pain of the dead kitten. You awoke blaming yourself for the death of the kitten as well as the 2 cates that were hers.

Janine, my child, this dream has come to show you that you are entering a new dwelling of choice. There are still parts of you that must take leave of you first.

The animals show the ways of your body that have suffered for the animals died from not being fed.  The death is not the death of your body, but rather, the death of the old wounds of not being fed. You have taken on blame for what is not yours. Your body suffered much from your childhood and what needed to die has died.

In the next days God shall use your dreams to end what must be ended that your new dwelling may be wholly yours. You must learn to allow God to heal what you cannot heal for yourself. You must take leave of the blame for all of your bodily wounds that were perpetrated onto you by others.

Be still and allow this dream to take root for it foretells of much healing to be done within your dreams. These dreams are being written into the Book of Life that you may one day see each inch and moment where God has worked to make you whole. Your yes carries with it God's will for you and all children to be made whole.