Intimacy With Jesus Brings Great Humbleness

 Child, place yourself before this Tabernacle and empty yourself before the River of the I Am where our Father and Creator abides. By this Tabernacle you are taken into the depths of the River of the I Am for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. I carry God's love and will into the world through you.

I carry God's love into the world through you with no barriers to bind as in the outside world. Love holds no barriers here for love flows freely and with no judgments or expectations. 

Janine, you are my child and I take you and hold you. I take you into the depths of my heart. On this new day you are of tears for you are given the awareness and awakenness to take in how holy this time and space is.  Your heart and soul have reached the depths where your humbleness flows deep within you.

Humbleness is the knowing that you have been created for good. You have been created with love that has no end. You have been created to know Jesus in intimacy.

To be in intimacy with Jesus is to be in intimacy with God. To know Jesus is to know God only seeks relationship with you with no holds or barriers.

The noise is a barrier to intimacy for it holds what is counter to love and only love. The noise cannot be destroyed for it holds all of God's children who have been created for good.

Evil is within, yes, my child,  but evil is of the noise and not of God.

God so loves that he allows you to choose. He loves each so much that he does not take away choice. Let those with ears to hear, hear. Let your tears flow, Janine, for they are for the good and the evil. You are in the depth of great humbleness.