The Journey Into the Kingdom

 Child, come and be of this Tabernacle that attends to you and all of your needs. Come and be of my heart for I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where I fill you with the love that holds our Savior. 

Janine, my child, I come to take you into the depths of the River for I am your mother who shall always hold you and love you with no restrictions or judgments. To let go and be of emptiness that I and the Light may fill is to walk towards the New Earth. What is gathered here shall be taken into the New Earth.

The journey into the Kingdom begins with the yes. The journey into the Kingdom moves towards the New Earth each day with your yes. 

The journey into the Kingdom began with your first yes to God. When you take view of that first day, take note of the joy of becoming one with Jesus.  Jesus has shown you the way to the peace as promised.  In spite of all of the noise and pain we must witness to within the world, you walk with joy, peace, trust and faith in your heart for you know that I am your mother and Jesus is your brother whom you hold deep within your loins. 

Today, let us walk into the world witnessing to all that is placed before us.  All good and evil must be witnessed to.  One day, Janine, God's will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.