The Place of Jesus in All You Do

 Child, let go of yourself. You are here and I am pleased that you come to me with your entire being. Let go of the fear that I may be displeased with you. I am your mother who holds you in regard no matter the ways of your fears.

On this new day take in the beauty of the day. Take in your human body that is of God's design. Take in the love that flows with you and through you. As the morning sun rises, so too we rise in the presence of God. 

Janine, you are still in your body. Love your body and the day ahead for you are graced with this day. Your day with Jesus is opened for your dream showed you the openness to Him in all things.

Your dream showed you the place of Jesus within all you do. He does not invade in your relationships. He witnesses from deep within your being. He witnesses all with no judgments. He witnesses in love. 

Janine, my child, this is the way of Jesus. This is the way Jesus walked the Earth and continues to walk. Jesus never invades but listens and hears you in each inch and moment. 

Do not forget this dream for it has given you much awareness of just how much you are loved and just how much you are heard and how much you are witnessed to.