To Make Whole is to Find God

 Child, I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am on this new day for you are of your yesterday no longer and your tomorrow shall not come to pass until this day is finished. Come and take in all that is before you and within you. Open all of yourself that I may commune with the all of you. No need to hide any parts any longer for nakedness of all is of God who has created you in a nakedness of wholeness.

Your design is to be whole. Your design is to live with the freedom to hide not any parts. Your design is to allow all parts to taste the Light.

Because of the ways of the pain and angst and sorrow of your world placed one generation upon the next, you are forced to hide parts. To be whole all parts must share in the light of day. 

One may hide the child part. Another may hide the heart and soul part. Another may hide their voice for to speak is too frightening.  Another may hide the pain or sorrow or angst behind the need to boast of itself that the world may not come to know the real pained part.

Janine, we walk into the world to open what is closed that my children may come to open the closed parts of themselves. Your yesterday witnessed to the opening of a part of one of mine that found the peace as promised by Jesus. No need to speak of Jesus for Jesus showed Himself to the soul of this child.  Come and walk in the knowing that God does what you cannot do alone. To witness is to open. To open is to make whole. To make whole is to find God.