To See Another's Soul is to See God's Love

 Child of mine, you are but a breath away from me for when you turn to me your breath becomes joined with my heart. These many years have taken us deeper and deer into this Tabernacle where we commune in the great love and grace of the River of the I Am.

You await my words. You await your filling. You await our communion.  As we move into the depths of the River of the I Am take note of how the surface fades and the noise is quieted. 

My child, you know that the noise I speak of is the noise that clangs to keep you from the troth. The noise cannot be here for you now know the truth that is the wisdom within these depths.

Your yesterday saw God's love that walks with us and within us for His Holy Spirit that is of Jesus opened hearts. You listened to another's story and the Holy Spirit was able to work through you. 

The lesson this day is to listen all the more without attempting to move to the next moment while this one is still being taken in. To slow all down is to take all in. 

You saw clearly in your yesterday that to be still and turn all over to the Holy Spirit is to give the Spirit the time and energy to do its work to gather. To see the soul of another is to join another in the depths of the River of the I Am. To see another's heart and soul is to see that all is loved by God. To see another's heart and soul is to know love and only love.

To see another's heart and soul destabilizes the noise where it must flee. To watch another's heart and soul open is to know nakedness has occurred where that soul meets its seed whether or not it can name its God as of yet.