Do Not Give Power to the Noise

 Child, come and lay down the noise. Come and be held. Come and know how much you are loved. This new day finds you in fear. It is an old fear. Come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where I take away all fear and doubt. Come and rest away from the noise.

You must come to trust that fear is of the old for you are mine and I shall never abandon you. Jesus holds us in His mystical body that is forever. We are one with Him for by His death and Resurrection we are forever. 

Your heart knows the truth. Your soul knows the truth. It is the noise that knows your old fears and it is the noise that places itself before you. It is loud and it is at times persistent. Give it no power. 

The noise is only noise, Janine. It has no power over you unless you give it power. Yes, your body tastes the old fear, but know this, it cannot own you. When it is loud, call on me and I will walk with you to take away its power. When it gains no power it dies. It has no life on its own.