I Give You the Mark of My Heart

 Child, I am pleased that you place yourself before this Tabernacle for we are mother and child. I await your attendance to me that I may fill you and attend to you. By this yes I am able to renew and hold you in the embrace of the River of the I Am.

Today is anew with the budding of life. It is anew with the scents of God's love. It is a new day to give to God who we are that God may fulfill His promises to us. We shall be forever. I shall be will you always for I am your mother.

When the noise attempts to take away this truth, do not pay it any heed. The noise asks you to stray from this truth for it asks you to live with no heed of God's promises. The noise is loud and chases you in the outside world. The noise knows it cannot take you away from me and from The River of the I Am. It can only make noise in your ears and in your mind. It attempts to use your ego mind to gain access to the old wounds that carry fear and doubt.

The noise knows you are mine, Janine, for I have given you the mark of my heart. This mark is placed within you and upon you. The noise can only make the noise that ignites the old. It is the old that is weakest within you.

Know this, Janine, the mark of my heart is visible to the noise and it knows it can only make noise. It uses the old to make its loudest clanging. Know that I am with you in all the noise and know you carry my mark.