Stay Opened to Your Soul

 Child, I am here and I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle. Come and rest in my heart that fills and nurtures and attends to you. Come and know the ways of the River of the I Am where we all flow within the mystical as one.

Within the mystical we are of the body of Jesus who is the Savior and the One who is our God. Within the mystical we commune in the ways of mother and child. Within the mystical we take in the grace that flows within us and through us. 

This new day finds us in communion once again for you attend to this Tabernacle each day with no matter the ways of the noise and with no matter the ways of your body that may be in joy or pain. It matters not the ways of the outside world for we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am where the outside world cannot reach us.

Janine, my child, this time is of you and me. This time is for you to be filled and to be known and to be of my heart. It is my nurture that fills. It is my heart that shows you the way of motherhood. It is my heart that holds you in an embrace that only the mother of God can hold for my embrace holds the fruit of my womb.

Today, my child, shall usher you into a new depth within the River of the I Am. Stay awake. Stay opened to your soul where you shall hear the voice of Jesus as you learn more of the truth and the way. No need to do anything other than to witness to each inch and moment for the one builds upon the other. Stay opened to your soul for it shines God's Light into the World.