The Exposed Soul Finds It's God

 Child of mine, I am here and you have come to me in a nakedness and emptiness that allows me to hold you and fill you in all parts with nothing to hide. Come and behold your mother and Father and brothers and sisters. There are no boundaries here and you commune with me in the presence of the River of the I Am.

Your yesterday showed you great grace for a child of mine opened his soul that you may see the truth and the Light from another's soul. The miracle of this nakedness of another's heart and soul touched your heart and soul for Jesus showed you the truth that never changes.

The grace to witness to this opening gave you verification of God's truth and love and non-judgmental ways. The grace to witness to the soul of another gave you the ways of God's wisdom. What you have learned from your own soul was also learned from the soul of another. The words were different but the truth is the truth.

The truth is that God resides in each soul within each being. The wisdom rises up from deep within each exposed soul. The soul knows its purity and knows it is loved beyond measure. The tears of joy twere shed because the soul exposed its true meaning and that it is intimately connected to God.

Let us walk in patience and fortitude for there shall be more souls exposed by the ways of our sacred witnessing in God's timing.