The Way of Addictions

Janine, come and be held and be filled with my nurture. The way of true peace passes through Jesus.

My children run to the addictions as though they will bring the peace that is promised by my Son when addictions are counter to peace. To be addicted is to feel the only way to peace is through man made ways. These addictions cause one to run from the truth.

Janine, my child, you run to food to try to stave off starvation but it is not starvation you truly fear. It is loneliness and abandonment that move you to food. The loneliness and fear of abandonment must be healed by the River of the I Am and not by addictions.

My children suffer from the same fears as you and seek addictions to bring relief when the only relief is Jesus. It is as the child who walks into the room and seeks attention and love but instead receives pain and humiliations. The addiction comes as the tempter that promises the freedom from pain and such humiliations. 

Jesus  understands your pain for He walked the earth and felt each pain and wound of every child that He may taste why addictions from the tempter arise. The addiction arises to make promises of peace even if fleeting.

I walk with you to attest to the dangers of any addiction that takes you away from the truth that it is Jesus who brings lasting peace and not the fleeting peace of the addictions.

Let us walk in the ways of the peace of Jesus. The peace of Jesus walks in the inch and moment only with no attention to the next for it is the fear of the next that carries the addictions.