The Way of Surrender

 Child, come. Come and let us begin anew. Come and know how much you are loved and cared for. Come and taste the ways of attachment for we are mother and child with an attachment that goes beyond human understanding.

To be attached to me you needed to open your wounds that the balm of my heart could heal them. To allow yourself to open and trust that no harm would come to your heart and soul took much grace and pain and  your surrender. 

To surrender is to reach a place where your heart and soul trusts to open. To open there must be a witness who holds and judges you not. Janine, God graced you with a witness who held and nurtured you that you may open all the tender parts that were closed in the protection of a cocoon until you were able to trust to open.

Do not take lightly the way of the witness who, with patience and fortitude, allowed you to open that your soul may be exposed. To surrender, then, is to trust enough to begin the journey home to your own soul.

And so, my child, let us watch and wait for those before us to surrender. To surrender is to let go of the noise. To surrender is to say to God, "I cannot walk alone anymore. I must surrender to you, God." It is at this time that the River of the I Am rushes in and begins the journey home to God for the soul is exposed.  What you call the soul cry opens my children to their God by whatever name is Given to God.