There Are No Boundaries Between Us

 Child, you are loved with no reservations or conditions. You are loved with no judgments nor account of failings. The River of the I Am flows with no holdings for each day is a new day to begin anew in renewal, nurture and what you call "clean slate" for the end of one day is written and the new day is beginning.

Your heart and loins smile with the newness of this day and the letting go of your yesterday. To hold the old only weighs you down. When you arrive at this Tabernacle I take you into the depths of the River where we commune in the anew.

As we commune in the anew take in the freedom of weightlessness. Take in the freedom to just be.Take in the beauty of this attachment. 

Janine, do not fret. I hold you and love you in all you do. We walk in both the mystical and outside world. There are no boundaries between us. Boundaries are the man made ideas of separation. We commune with no separations.