You Gave Your Yes to Save Souls

 Child, come and take  me into your being that is of God's grace. Come and take in my love and nurture that fills and renews you. Come and let us flow into the depths of the River of the I Am.

Today is a new day. Today is a new day to love and to fill. Today is of the grace and mercy of God. Your view today is of the taste of the mercy that God showers on you and all of His children. 

As a child you prayed for mercy. I remind you of your prayers for those who came before you and for those in great need of God's mercy. When I asked you to taste the pain deep within you, your answer was always. "If it will save souls, Mother, then yes."

Janine, my child, this day is a day to rejoice for all the pain of letting out the hidden assaults on your being. The healing of the old pain has paved the way for you to open your heart to me and to Jesus. It was not that I gave you this pain to endure that you may save souls, my child. It was for you to open your heart and soul that you may be freed from the hate embedded within you. Today we walk to save souls for your wounds are no more. Your pain was not a need to be sacrificed as you were taught, but rather, that you may empty all hate that we may walk to love and fill others.

Yes, Janine, your yes to me has saved souls. Your yes to me has emptied so much hidden pain. Now that  you see the past pain from the view of the River of the I Am you see and taste the mercy placed upon you. God's mercy flows through you to walk with and to fill all those placed before us. You continue to save souls through God's mercy and love.