Let us Touch All with the Balm of Love

 Child, it is by the rights of God placed on us that we are mother and child. By God's grace we have the River of the I Am. By God's grace we have this Tabernacle that you may bear witness to me and to the River of the I Am. Come and be graced with my heart that is of the Light of my womb.

The many anger at God for His not "ending war and hate". My child, it is man that may end war and hate for it is man that wars and hates. God has given man the right to choose. 

It is not for man to judge God's love. It is for man to turn to God in prayer for His will to be done on Earth and it is in Heaven. His will is for love to overtake war and hate. God so loves that He has given man the  choice to choose war or love and peace. 

It is for you and me to walk into the world of the noise where anger and hate abide and to love all. Your choices have gained you peace and not war. We walk to give others what we have. 

When the world makes choices of love and not war the New Earth shall be established.  Let us walk in prayer to touch all we meet with love. Let us walk into the world and give love that counters war and hate. Let us walk to touch all with the balm of love.