The Noise Works to Hide Your Choices

  Child, it is a new day. It is a new day in the ways of the River of the I Am that flows unto the New Earth. Come and taste the joy and peace here within the River of the I Am. Come and be nurtured and filled with the ways of my heart and the ways of Jesus who began the River of the I Am by His death and resurrection. By your yes you have chosen Jesus. Your choice has been made without the bindings of the noise that seeks to hide your choices.

There shall be those who join us in the yes. There will be those of the no. It is not ours to judge who shall say yes and who shall say no. It is of great importance that we walk to open the soul within each child before us for there within the opened soul true choice abides. Within the opened soul is the meeting with God.

Those of the yes while in the body gain the view from the River of the I Am where the true choice abides. Those of the no while in the body have a closed soul and see not all the choices before them for the soul is closed and hidden and sees only from the view of the noise.

See and taste God while within your body. See and taste God in all things. Your yes has made all of the mystical within the River of the I Am available to you. To see and taste God while within the body is to see and taste God's love within both the body and the mystical. To do so makes you whole. To do so gains you all choices without the noise that works to hide your choices.

In the end all souls will be opened and the true yes or no shall be spoken before God for it shall be that God will be known to all.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.