To Choose Sans the Noise

 Child,, you are of a loving and warm heart. Let go and let me take away the noise that asks you to believe you are of the earth only. The noise tells you there is no God. Come and be renewed in the ways of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

To let go of the noise is to see more clearly for the noise is of the old that batters you and I and the River of the I Am are of the new.

I do not walk alone, Janine. I walk with you and within you. When you make a choice I go with you. I shall never take away your choice for this is of God's design. 

This Tabernacle takes away the noise and fills you that you may leave here with the knowing that all choices are yours.  The noise works to counter these choices through fear. 

To choose knowing the choices are completely yours sans the noise is freedom. To choose in the olds ways carries the noise for you were taught that to be loved you must give way to other's choices. 

You choose each day to come to me. You come to me knowing that I love you with no matter your choices. I come to give you all of the rights of the River of the I Am where choices are yours sans the noise.  Janine, you are so loved that I and Jesus smile when you make a choice in the freedom to choose sans the noise.