Trust Me in Spite of Fear and doubt

 Child, do not doubt me for I am here in every inch and moment with you. Stay strong in your fortitude and commitment to your heart and soul. All else is noise. Come and let me drown you in my love.

I ask only that you trust in me. Trust is a choice for it must move beyond the noise. Trust is saying yes despite your human failings of fear and doubt. 

You have been asked to trust much in these inches and moments. With each one I heard your heart say to me. "I choose to trust you in spite of my fear and doubt."

Janine, my child. I know you better than you know yourself. I know your heart that longs to move beyond fear and doubt. In God's timing it shall be so, this I can promise you.

Each time you choose me no matter the doubt you are growing in trust and fortitude for each time you see my commitment to you and yours. When you trust you allow me to intercede for you. When you trust with your yes no matter the fear you are graced. Your love for me is known.