Come and Know You Are Forever

 Child, come and be with me in this time and in this space. I love you, Janine. I love that we are mother and child. I give to you with no expectations of return other than your yes to be mother and child in the ways of the River of the I Am where my nurture fills you and prepares you for the day.

There are those who ask why they were born. This is the question of Eternity. The outside world holds much pain for many. Man has caused this pain because of the ego mind that sees itself above God and therefore makes its own rules and boundaries to separate.

When you see God as love and only love you see how much you are loved in spite of the misguidedness of the ego mind. There is the evil that wounds many and destroys hope. This is a great sadness over the world and this is why we walk. We walk to bring hope into the world and the assurance of Eternity.

To come to know you are forever is to taste the Light of my womb that carries Eternity to each child with no exceptions. To know God's love is to know each child has the right to say yes to God and take in that God loves them. The yes comes with knowing God's love in a very personal way.

You cannot know God from afar. You must taste Him. That first taste may come through one who has tasted Him.

To taste God within you is to be in the awake position where you give this knowing to others who may give it to others and so on. Giving to another is the way of the sacred witness.