No One is Above or Below Another

 Child, I am here and I take you into the River of the I Am with your yes. Life within these depths takes its course in the ways of God's will and design. Love here is unconditional.

In spite of what the world asks of you, know that what is here within the River is unconditional. Unconditional here is love that loves with no regards to the rules that man has made. 

You are in a world where there are rules that attempt to make good for all and there are rules made in hatred of others. There are man made laws that have little to do with God and more to do with the self righteousness of man.

You are made heavy with the noise that asks you to judge one law over another. Janine, you know and see the evil in the world and you are confused over the role of judgment. Judgment is never by God but by man. Do not fall into the darkness of judgment.

Evil is evil that is cast within men who seek laws for only their benefit. To love is to seek to make all of one cloth as it is in Heaven. 

We walk to make all of God's children open to their rightful place in the world as it is in Heaven for God loves with no laws made to separate.  

I take you into the world to witness with no regard to man's laws, but rather, to the one law of God which is love. God's love makes no one man above another. Women and men share the same cloth as does all children.