The Lesson of Wisdom
Janine, my child, I am your mother and I await your attendance to this Tabernacle that we may commune in the ways of the River of the I Am. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am as destined by God. I am mother to all by the life and death of the Light of my womb. God has graced me greatly. In humbleness we are mother and child for God has graced us with His love and His seed.
Wisdom flows forth from the River of the I Am. Wisdom has little to do with the knowledge within the world. Wisdom rises us from the depths of the soul when the soul is exposed. All of the knowledge in the world is useless without wisdom.
There are those who are said to have little knowledge and yet are very wise. Wisdom resides in the quietness of the heart and soul where God's voice abides. Wisdom is in quietness and not boisterous self righteousness. Wisdom knows that in quietness the soul is heard.
The noise cannot bear wisdom for wisdom has as its source our Father and Creator, our God. The noise cannot bear wisdom for wisdom shows the hypocrisy of the ego mind. Ponder this lesson of wisdom today.