Become Still and Hear the Soft Voice of Jesus

 Child of mine, come and let go that you may be filled. Letting go is of the breath that gives itself up that we may enter into communion of mother and child. Take in the breath of the mystical body of the River of the I Am that is of God's promises.

Come and let us speak to the way of your yesterday. Do not fret for Jesus and I know you and your want to be above the noise. The noise came and as the tempter asked you to believe the voice of the noise was Jesus. The noise gave you the lie of foretelling the future.  

You know that Jesus walks with us and shows the way of the dangers of attempting to foretell the future. You were filled with fret until you stopped and became quiet and listened for the soft voice of Jesus. The noise is loud while the voice of Jesus is soft and loving and loves with a love that does not clang. Let this be your guide. 

The noise clangs and speaks loudly while the voice of Jesus speaks softly and never with foretelling the future for the choices made in this inch and moment are the only way to move and see into the next. 

Let us walk today in the inch and moment all the while knowing that the next shall be guided by the Light of the River of the I Am. Be still now and be of the peace of my  heart that flows with you within the River of the I Am.  When it is time to move into the world this inch and moment shall give way to the next. Staying in this inch and moment is the secret to knowing God who lives only in this inch and moment.