Beware of the "Should"

 Child, with the sign of my Son you enter this Tabernacle. You make holy this time and space by your yes.We make this time and space our time for we are mother and child before God. God is love. God is Light. God is of the longing to be in intimacy with us for to do so is to know Him personally.

To know Jesus is to know God. To know Jesus is to come to know Him personally where there is no hiding for to know Jesus personally is to know the nakedness of love and only love.

It matters little your choices when your choices are made in love. There are the times love says it is time for self love and other times you choose to love another as you love yourself. You may choose to be quiet and you may choose to dance. Jesus and I and the Holy Spirit walk with you in all of your choices.

You ask what choices "should" you make. Janine, my child, I say to you that there are no such things as "shoulds" in love and only love.

The "should" has the meaning that your choice is not yours, but rather, it is a choice of those who have given you their ideas of what is right and wrong.

Beware of those who speak of the should in your life for they are of the noise that asks you to replace your relationship with Jesus with their often misguided ways of their learning and shaping. To teach others to make choices with Jesus who resides within their heart and soul rather than seek the "should" is to come to know Jesus personally. By any name Jesus is Jesus. By any name the soul knows its God. Let those with ears to hear, hear.