Let us Walk to Bring Hope into the Doubt

 Child, I rise up within you as you rise on this new day, Your attendance to this Tabernacle gains you much grace for we commune here and we share God's graces of mother and child. I nurture you that you may grow. I love you. I hold you. I teach you the ways of my heart.

My heart loves with no judgments. My heart loves you with no boundaries. My heart holds you with no expectation of self gains. I never invade and always wait upon your turning to me.

The outside world carries much noise that attempts to take you away from me and yet you still come to me to attend to your heart and soul. You are of the fortitude of my heart that walks with me to gather God's children into the River of the I Am.

Today finds you rested and prepared for the day. Today finds you in peace. We shall walk into the world armed with the love, protection and fortitude of Jesus.

Janine, the noise casts its clanging upon the world. In your yesterday you gave witness to the darkness of the noise that often lurks in the spaces that my children hide in. To be of the River of the I Am is to witness to all that surrounds you.

There are those who hide themselves in the darkness for the Light frightens them. There are those who flee from the truth because they are embroiled in the darkness. 

The yes to God holds much power. There shall be the one day when darkness shall give way to the truth and the Light of my womb. Let us walk into the world today to bring love into the fear. Let us walk to bring hope into the doubt. Let us walk to bring fortitude into those who are weary.