Shared Peace Begets More Peace

 Child, come and let us commune on this new day. This new day is like no other for no two days are alike. As you enter this Tabernacle take in the beauty of our flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of the noise that moves away from us for it cannot bear what we have.

The noise is counter to God's design. You were meant to walk within both worlds while in your body. The noise of the tempter has closed off many parts of God from man. You have gained much grace for your yes has been given to that which is of God.  The yes begins the journey into your soul and as each day ends your yes expands you. With each new day we walk to gain more and more expansion for the yes grows you in the ways of the River of the I Am.

I walk with you into the world where we quietly attest to the workings of God. No need to be of the loud  for the loud stirs the want to remain closed within others. Rather, Janine, we walk in the soft and quiet countenance of love and only love.

When you hold your child in peace, peace within your child is the fruit. Your child is allowed to then take in your peace. Your soft voice and soft words also bring peace into your child. So too, we walk into the world as one in the ways of mother that carries peace rather than noise. Let those with ears to hear, hear for shared peace begets more peace.